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Showing posts from April, 2008

How-to be ready for, and ace, a job interview

702 Answer your phone as if you are expecting a deal of a lifetime Subject line: One of the specified qualifications Know what job you are applying for Don't be late, no excuses Make a good first impression CV must be professional Know where you have sent your CV Show that you are managing your CV Be professional in the waiting room Grooming in the bathroom Sit up straight Know what value you are going to deliver Utilise your networks, job clubs - strategy not moaning Stay with a job for 3 years - companies only start making money after your learning curve after 2 years - if they see you bounce, they won't want you Make lists of your skills, not just your personality - not bubbly, but 'professional telephone call screening' Thought Leader Too many courses (which shows you can’t learn on the job and have a culture of being spoon fed). At the clericial and secreterial level I would include emotional stability, neatness, presentability speaking and writin...

Woman = unnatural / man = natural

Flashback Friday, a column on feminist notions ... In her explanation of gynocidal ritual, feminist theorist Mary Daly explains that in a patriarchal culture, society uses certain ritualistic behaviors (usually in the interest of enhancing female "beauty") to destroy female connections and to oppress women.* In these situations, women are often used as "token torturers". For instance, there was a saying during the days of Chinese footbinding : "If a mother loves her daughter, she will take no mercy on her feet." Nope, instead she will torture and cripple her to make her palatable to a society infected with brainwashed men who wouldn't know a natural woman if she bit him on the ass and then ran away on her big ' ol feet! * Discussion of gynocidal ritual can be found in Mary Daly's book, Gyn /Ecology: the Metaethics of Radical Feminism. Source: Only one Manda I love the way Amanda puts this. Great voice. Amanda wrote this while expressing h...