Just so you know, this is email number three, following response from you number two. I am not upset, just alerting you to the fact that I am persistent and you have been so polite and helpful that I am not upset. It's a communication error. If it happens again, I would ask you to contact me by phone at [CENSORED]. I contacted you to ask you to reconsider the action you have taken against South Africa. I suggested another solution: that you give us the opportunity to waive our right to redress if our parcels get lost. You have decided to only offer us high-cost courier services. I have been using amazon for many years and I have never had a problem. However, when I sent this solution note through, I received a response from you that reiterated the problem and did not acknowledge my suggested solution. If you have considered this waiver option and rejected it, I would have wanted to at least find out what your reasons are so that I can think of more solutions that address your c...
My desk drawer, a bit messy, a catchall.