How to deliver a presentation professionally (Tanya's version of) Start with a bang - summarise and explain your thesis in short punchy sentences, before going into more detail. Find out the audience's needs - plan according to THEIR needs. Don't oversell - give them just what they need. Don't present by rote - be loose, prompt cards, visuals that guide you, never read the visual content. When info gets dense - use humor. Rehearse - out loud and stand. Never exceed your time - rather be too short than too long. Be in control - your nerves, the audience, the room layout, the technical aspects of the talk, time, etc. Plan the end - it must be strong and confident, the audience must be left with an action plan. Be professional - look, act, behave, speak, and perform like a pro. map why people are going to resist the idea, "you might not want to believe this because you believe" marvel for the audience, compelling, modelling what you want them to feel...
My desk drawer, a bit messy, a catchall.