One other variable worth mentioning is that Bush was elected in 2000, a year in the 20-year cycle of Tecumseh's curse, which declared that U.S. presidents elected then would not complete their terms. In 1811, the Indian chief Tecumseh was defeated in the Battle of Tippecanoe by William Henry Harrison. Legend has it he sent Harrison word that he - and "every Great Chief chosen every 20 years thereafter [would] die" - as a reminder of the death of Tecumseh's people….United States President Harrison did die of pneumonia in 1841. And with only one exception, all American presidents elected in a year divisible by 20 since that time have also died in office. This "curse" coincides with the astrological Jupiter/Saturn cycle, also a cycle of 20 years. The presidents who fell prey to the curse all were elected in years when Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in an earth sign. The lone president to survive the curse since 1840 has been President Reagan, whose 1980 election was preceded by Jupiter/Saturn conjoined in an air sign. When George W. Bush was elected in 2000, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction was in an earth sign as it was with all of the presidents who did not complete their terms.
1840, William Henry Harrison—Died April 6, 1841 of pneumonia
1860, Abraham Lincoln—Assassinated April 14, 1865
1880, James Garfield—Assassinated July 2, 1881
1900, William McKinley—Assassinated September 6, 1901
1920, Warren G. Harding—Died August 2, 1923 from food poisoning
1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt—Died April 12, 1945, stroke
1960, John F. Kennedy—Assassinated November 22, 1963
1980, Ronald Reagan—Assassination attempt on March 30, 1981. Survived to serve two full terms as president.
1840, William Henry Harrison—Died April 6, 1841 of pneumonia
1860, Abraham Lincoln—Assassinated April 14, 1865
1880, James Garfield—Assassinated July 2, 1881
1900, William McKinley—Assassinated September 6, 1901
1920, Warren G. Harding—Died August 2, 1923 from food poisoning
1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt—Died April 12, 1945, stroke
1960, John F. Kennedy—Assassinated November 22, 1963
1980, Ronald Reagan—Assassination attempt on March 30, 1981. Survived to serve two full terms as president.