Broken Flower
I love romantic Paris
Picture of Cherry
Spoil Me
Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll
Piping Hot
I Dream of You
The Crack of Dawn
Public: Anti - Don't support the stores, boycott them, companies who do this shouldn't have to wait for a response from the public, companies shouldn't want to do it, retailers shouldn't buy them from manufacturers, companies cannot plead 'public demand' because they are part of our community and they should say 'no'; Pro - Chill
Woolworths: Thanks for the feedback, Woolworths have the least suggestive
UK: Little Miss Naughty range withdrawn after complaints
Childline: Paedophiles perceive that children come onto them
Source: 702
Broken Flower
I love romantic Paris
Picture of Cherry
Spoil Me
Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll
Piping Hot
I Dream of You
The Crack of Dawn
Public: Anti - Don't support the stores, boycott them, companies who do this shouldn't have to wait for a response from the public, companies shouldn't want to do it, retailers shouldn't buy them from manufacturers, companies cannot plead 'public demand' because they are part of our community and they should say 'no'; Pro - Chill
Woolworths: Thanks for the feedback, Woolworths have the least suggestive
UK: Little Miss Naughty range withdrawn after complaints
Childline: Paedophiles perceive that children come onto them
Source: 702