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Showing posts from October, 2008

GLBTQI conversation about Jon Qwelane, some notes

23 people Centre for Conscious Leadership structure: introduce everyone, introduce organization what makes us proud, excited, fearful to meet each other excited: connection, part of queer community, possibility fear: challenged by others, revealing, reports to be made, names to be revealed, white space (not very black)  deep democracy: process of large group, diversity - careful of minorities, introduction to roles in groups, you can change roles during talk, not just a personal view. Hotspots - the facilitators will deheat-support for safety. Zuma said he would hit a gay man Qwelane's blog taken off Media 24 and being watched at work need a queer media forum, media is at talk Qwelane should be challenged by his peers need a reaction to hate crime, not just reaction to article the voice of dead gays, they live in a world where survival is more important than Qwelane's words do we want an apology is Qwelane's the majority view blase about homophobia, don'...

Facebook Weekly Enquiry - What or who do you depend on?

Facebook Weekly Enquiry: What or who do you depend on? ...if you don't mind me asking. My computer and my DSTV and my video machine. The people part is more interesting in terms of Goodness, me-to-me - how do I think? Hmm, I think I am very self-reliant. I ask people to do stuff, but if they don't I immediately swop over to You Do it Tanya. And I don't often feel like It's Their Job. OK OK, wait, I do rely on people for love. Loving myself definitely doesn't do the trick, I can tell you. [she exits < > ponderously]