- 23 people
- Centre for Conscious Leadership
- structure: introduce everyone, introduce organization
- what makes us proud, excited, fearful to meet each other
- excited: connection, part of queer community, possibility
- fear: challenged by others, revealing, reports to be made, names to be revealed, white space (not very black)
- deep democracy: process of large group, diversity - careful of minorities, introduction to roles in groups, you can change roles during talk, not just a personal view. Hotspots - the facilitators will deheat-support for safety.
- Zuma said he would hit a gay man
- Qwelane's blog taken off Media 24 and being watched at work
- need a queer media forum, media is at talk
- Qwelane should be challenged by his peers
- need a reaction to hate crime, not just reaction to article
- the voice of dead gays, they live in a world where survival is more important than Qwelane's words
- do we want an apology
- is Qwelane's the majority view
- blase about homophobia, don't read it because they don't want it in their headspace
- middle class queers don't have to be exposed to poor lesbians are the least powerful and so many people with power hurt them
- exploitation by white researchers and do nothing to empower
- angry at activists that ignore black women
- forums should be in the townships, need facilitation in community with family.
- Pride is not something that addresses black gays
- Qwelane is in us too, we are abusive
- poor women - they are only safe if they have a use to the people they are with, they use escapism not to face it
- when core issues addressed they get hijacked by politics/activism
- three responses - being, doing, intellectualizing (unsafe and hijacked in intellectual space)
- identity-based prejudice
- courts/legal strategies to get laws passed - didn't bring gays with nor did the public support, need to build a movement, discussion groups are very important
- political environment - going to appeal to populist views like gender/gay bashing
- economic environment - social conservatism follows
- can we mobilize?
- LGBTQI keep adding letters to differentiate ourselves
- activism can have many manifestations
- of course we have to do something about it
- at an individual and collective level
- risk backlash, we should be acting in other social movements, as gays is a global viewpoint
- Qwelane is one of the problems in the environment, etc
- Joint Working Group acts as watchdog
- Ombudsman found that it was not hate speech
- Human Rights Commission said ombudsman was the person wo must make a decision
- Commission for Gender Equality said it is not their mandate
- we don't need an ideology we need a way of working in the world with each other.
Of Death and Conscience: Brief thoughts on gender role and the values of the dominant culture in medicine : "“Under the influence of the Church and the newly formed male-dominated medical establishment, the word “witch,” which originally meant “wise one,” became a term of scorn. It took a reign of terror lasting several hundred years to radically alter a way of life thousands of years old. Millions of women who carried the healing lineage were systematically killed (see The Church and the Second Sex by Mary Daly).”"