- set a goal that is not 'get the other to admit they are wrong'
- LOVE - Listen, Observe body language, Verify their point, Empathise even if you don't agree
- find common ground
- take a break before you argue
- agree on small points, defer the bigger points
- compliment the other
- acknowledge that the other is allowed to feel what they feel
- don't raise your voice
- "What is it about you are feeling that I don't understand"
- if you are wrong you can't afford to lose your temper, if you are right, you can
- discuss, don't argue
- agree to disagree, we don't have to agree
- just because you are quiet doesn't mean you are peaceful
- in an emotional argument, hug the person and reassure
- "I don't want to fight. (NOT BUT) I need to tell you something that's concerning me"
- it's better to be happy than right
- don't keep score of past arguments
Dawkins has become outspoken in his atheism , coining the word "bright" (as an alternate to atheist), and encouraging fellow non-believers to stand up and be identified. intelligent design is creationism redressed creationists are right that evolution is hostile to evolution statistical improbability of the complexity of design - intelligent design but the intelligent designer wouldn't have made such a hash - why would the designer be bothered with disapproving of our sex lives, favor our side in the war Dawkins suggest rocking the boat - attack religion as a whole taboo of speaking ill about religion - Douglas Adams said, sacred ideas at the heart of religion, holy cows, you can support any operating system you want, but the challenge of religious ideas is off limits science and religion are corrosive to each other - religious explanations are trivial and improbably, teaches people to accept authoritarianism takes the example of famous scientists and imagines ...