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The fetsiboomsticks take on the future of the internet

I don't know what the answer is for artists who want to play on the web. It's all about learning applications... Facebook's structure was made with CMS. But then you become a developer and not an artist.

You get these things called Multiplayer role playing games MMORPG that often are just text based... it reaches a huge audience. Movie theatres have started investigating how to get these people to come play at the movie theaters... to harvest their money. I have been finding with the kids I am teaching that 25 year olds are talking to me about the role of video games in their marriages...!

The future of the computer is that it will be gone... onto an iPhone kind of a thing... like a playstation 3 but it won't be a separate unit, it will be merged into the iphone which has already merged with the ipod - and has fantabulous application books... Anni... you have to have one! I have downloaded an ebook onto my iphone of benjamin button. it's text!!! beautiful, but it is text... which means getting kids to read again. The idea that the MMORGs are text, or if not, plenty, really plenty of reading is involved. Not to mention the texting in Chats.

The internet will be received on the iPhone-merged thing... we will have the iPhone-merged thing with us at all time. The future of galleries is in the iPhone-merged thing. In the future, the iPhone-merged thing will project its screen onto blank walls, where we will watch our streamed movies and TV programmes.

Sadly, everyone does not have an iPhone... !

I think websites should be long strips of images, and there must be some form of interactivity with the broader universe, where discussions can be had with chat. Like Facebook, merged with images.

I wish I could show you instapaper... because instabook is almost here. If you had the instapaper gadget on your phone I could publish my collection of websites as The New Anthology - so I could anthologise what I like under a heading... say feminist... and if you were on my website you would find that you could log into my anthology using my username 'feminist' and download the sites to your phone for viewing anywhere... OFFLINE (i.e. costs nothing in terms of data charges on 3G - you use your wireless modem to update across the ether, and then it's on your phone (wirelessing costs nothing))... or you could have an anthology called 'siren' which I could download to my phone... do you know someone with an iPhone... if you do tryit I am bowled over x 805. If you had a collection of sites, or just one... that people could read via Instapaper - FREE! mind you!!! For images, there is a small registration cost - obviously to cover bandwidth... but text version is free!!!

So you could have a collection of blogs...... Blogging is by far the most accessible way of doing this... and I only endorse eBlogger, but customising the template is another issue. You could have a 'siren' tag... and people could click on the siren tag in the blog.... and then download it to instapaper.

Google. You have to make friends with Google. Facebook. You have to make friends with Facebook. The reason... it's accessible from gadgets they already have... computers. My concern is the centralisation of power... perhaps a multifaceted approach...

Social networking - they gravitate to free things, easy to learn, two-way communication (self-publishing aspect of social media essential), plenty of things to keep them entertained... different types - so publishers, players, playfullers, minimalists only change their statuses.... and... can spy on others.... otherwise known as voyeurism.

Blogs - next up they gravitate to things that are EXTREMELY VARIED, provide information, with plenty of video and images, minimal text, styled with dashes of sensationalism... 500 words or less... bloggiful. They can rss feed get everything new with a short intro in their Outlook inbox (PS I now have RSS feed on my website - and they can Follow a website using googlefriendfeed and they can make comments (although this is last necessary, but can't be excluded).

My least favorite... but if you don't twit, you go onto Twitter, and you can enter a search term. Then it displays the tweets about your search term. What works for Twitter is that you have a following (retweeters) and you try to get people to have reactions (retweet) about your tweet, that when the search is done, you and all your following's tweets are displayed... then that thing has importance, or you can see what people are saying about that thing. URLs can be tweeted.


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