Ah but what other ones can I come up with… extend the list, turn it into a ToDo list that's crazy-long.
Get outside
Savor food
Create a morning ritual
Take chances
Follow excitement
Find your passion
Get out of your cubicle
Turn off the TV
Pull away from the internet
Rediscover what's important
Eliminate everything else
Be positive
Open your heart
Kiss in the rain
Face your fears
When you suffer, suffer
Slow down
Touch humanity
Play with children
Talk to old people
Learn new skills
Find spirituality
Take mini-retirements
Do nothing
Stop laying video games
Watch sunsets, daily
Stop reading magazines
Break out of ruts
Stop watching the news
Laugh till you cry
Lose control
Make an awesome dessert
Try something new, every week
Be in the moment
Run with dogs, sleep with cats
Keep busy with meaningful stuff
Watch people you admire
Solve bigger problems than yours
Original idea source: 39 Ways to Live, not just exist (by Leo Babauta )
Get outside
Savor food
Create a morning ritual
Take chances
Follow excitement
Find your passion
Get out of your cubicle
Turn off the TV
Pull away from the internet
Rediscover what's important
Eliminate everything else
Be positive
Open your heart
Kiss in the rain
Face your fears
When you suffer, suffer
Slow down
Touch humanity
Play with children
Talk to old people
Learn new skills
Find spirituality
Take mini-retirements
Do nothing
Stop laying video games
Watch sunsets, daily
Stop reading magazines
Break out of ruts
Stop watching the news
Laugh till you cry
Lose control
Make an awesome dessert
Try something new, every week
Be in the moment
Run with dogs, sleep with cats
Keep busy with meaningful stuff
Watch people you admire
Solve bigger problems than yours
Original idea source: 39 Ways to Live, not just exist (by Leo Babauta )