Tanya: #NSFTS ~ Not Safe For The Sensitive. #Feminism ~ #WhitePrivilege is like #MalePrivilege. Men don't condemn machismo in all its forms because there are so many benefits for them. A shaven pussy, a shaven leg, a domestic servant, a trophy for hunting. They make no effort to hear #WhenWomenSpeak. They make no effort to entertain the voice of feminism. Instead they watch their pals rape, abuse and call women whores. White Privilege is the same, they don't take the time to hear, to listen, to envelope what they hear and try to change themselves to set a standard for their ivory towers.
Robert: There are better ways of saying this: There are men who don't condemn machismo in all its forms because there are so many benefits for them. A shaven pussy, a shaven leg, a domestic servant, a trophy for hunting. These men make no effort to hear #WhenWomenSpeak. They make no effort to entertain the voice of feminism. Instead they watch their pals rape, abuse and call women whores. White Privilege is the same, there are too many whites who don't take the time to hear, to listen, to envelope what they hear and try to change themselves to set a standard for their ivory towers. #whoneedsaneditor ;-)
Tanya: Fuck you.
Robert: *long justification*
Tanya: Robert A Hamblin, you changed what I said to PC speak, you changed what I said, you changed the content of what a woman said when she spoke. Not cool.
ALL MEN ARE ARSEHOLES, Some men are not. By saying SOME men are arseholes, most men feel themselves gently lifted off the hook. You lifted them off the hook.
There are lipstick feminists.
I'm not one, I'm the one every man is ready to bully - fat, hairy, man-hating dyke. I hate sexist men, I hate their lame-ass middle of the road liberal-faking sexism. I hate their lazy privilege-hogging ignorance. And as the millenia tick by their ignorance looks more and more purposeful, their backlash more hateful and insecure. More violence, a frenzy of violence.
And then I get fucked-off and instead of looking at my anger directly, you'fixed' me, not emasculating me, but epussying me. You made me more palatable.
And you protected them. That doesn't make you a man, that makes you another patriarch with a privilege. Not all patriarchs are men, only half of them. The mostly-non-violent half. And YOU don't escape that because of your transness.
I get racism better because I have had bigotry targeted at me, and I give you the benefit of the doubt when you launch sexism at me because you've had bigotry aimed at you. When apartheid 'ended' there was no switch I flipped and the cognizance of my privilege and racism was suddenly clear to me. It was a process. And every day I recognize that I am not there yet, that the process continues. But when someone says fuck you to me, I don't come back with an explanation, I come back with an apology.
Trans issues are yours, yours to fight. We all have the places where we put our energy. And every time you come by here, I welcome your input, I have been called out often on binary speak, and I have welcomed it because here is a forum you can use. Hopefully our conversations are read by people on your wall too.
But in this, this fat hairy dyke is PISSED.
Yes we need men as allies, and a FABULOUS book I read years ago says Good Men Will Understand My Anger - 'The Gift of Fear'. And they do. But they are privileged. By watering feminism with lipstick, it's less urgent, "Do we still need feminism?" is its slogan.
You do it your way - adding lipstick - and I'll do it my way. You don't need to 'fix' me.