You know how the #Backlash paints Feminists as man haters? And how the lazy of mind siphon that stuff up? People never think about how disappointed women are when they find themselves beaten, cheated on, trapped in patriarchal boxes with shoes and razors, openly spat on in the workplace, dismissed from the tables of political influence.
Just like Whiteness is incredulous that they have to shoulder the blame for the previously-openly-hateful, so #AllMen have a responsibility to actively subvert the system they benefit from. Not many do it visibly. You, Robert, are one. Thank you.
Just like a Black person can never be racist, only damaged, so a woman can not be sexist, only damaged. Our hurt and disappointment comes from somewhere, and people who question that are suspect. No one would question the damage of Black people. And Whites are suspect and damaged as collateral damage, self-damage. So men are self-damaged. Women are not self-damaged.
There's a war against the bodies of the not white-heterosexual-male. And defence is not sexism. If you were beaten literally and figuratively every time you believed, you would profile people. I have been profiled for feminism, for Whiteness, for my surname, for my weight, for my clothing. I have been judged by the Privileged. Their transparent narcissism makes me ill. I DON'T wish I were gracious enough to accept that punishment daily without remark.
Just like Whiteness is incredulous that they have to shoulder the blame for the previously-openly-hateful, so #AllMen have a responsibility to actively subvert the system they benefit from. Not many do it visibly. You, Robert, are one. Thank you.
Just like a Black person can never be racist, only damaged, so a woman can not be sexist, only damaged. Our hurt and disappointment comes from somewhere, and people who question that are suspect. No one would question the damage of Black people. And Whites are suspect and damaged as collateral damage, self-damage. So men are self-damaged. Women are not self-damaged.
There's a war against the bodies of the not white-heterosexual-male. And defence is not sexism. If you were beaten literally and figuratively every time you believed, you would profile people. I have been profiled for feminism, for Whiteness, for my surname, for my weight, for my clothing. I have been judged by the Privileged. Their transparent narcissism makes me ill. I DON'T wish I were gracious enough to accept that punishment daily without remark.