A handy telephone tip: Keep a small chalkboard near the phone. That way, when a salesman calls, you can hold the receiver up to it and run your fingernails across it until he hangs up. The original point and click interface was a Smith and Wesson. Always take time to stop and smell the roses... and sooner or later, you’ll inhale a bee. Any sufficiently complicated technology is indistinguishable from bad karma. Deja Fu: The feeling that somehow, somewhere, you’ve been kicked in the head like this before. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me alone. Each day I try to enjoy something from each of the four food groups: the bonbon group, the salty-snack group, the caffeine group, and the “whatever-the-thing-in-the-tinfoil-in-the-back-of-the-fridge-is” group. Follow your dream! Unless it’s the one where you’re at work in your underwear during a fire drill. Happiness is merely the...