Some 21s lists that I made up, more at my website
21 ways to get over being dumped
21 ways to get over being dumped
- Go on a wild kissing spree
- Arrange a dinner party every Friday night from then on
- Stop talking about it, eventually you will kill the synapse that used to think about it
- Take up a new sport or exercise routine
- Join a club
- Start a club
- Write a book about what to do to get over being dumped - not one of those new age things, a horror where your ex dies in the end
- Hunt down someone the complete antithesis of your ex, and flirt outrageously
- Start a new business, something you have always wanted to do - or at least take the first step.
- Make a list of all the things your ex prevented you from doing, and do all of those things - every day.
- Dump your boring old therapist that got you into this mess, and get a new one.
- Take a trip to a white beach
- Tom Cruise
- Anthony Quinn
- Clark Gable
- George Bush
- Mel Gibson
- Sweat and Starve - exercise and eat less (the real way)
- Three Spoon Diet - only eat 3 spoons of food at each of 6 meals per day
- The Pink Diet - (thanks Mariah Carey) only eat food that is pink
- The Atkins Diet - only eat protein
- The Beverley Hills Diet - eat as much of one thing (anything) as you want and wait 3 hours untill the next meal.
- The Oprah Diet - get a trainer to get you up at 05h00 for weight training, jogging and personalised body attention. Get a chef to make only the most nutritious calorie controled gorgeous food. Don't eat after 19h30.
- The Tapeworm Diet - swallow a tapeworm
- The YoYo Diet - binge and starve until your body gets diabetes, and then mismanage the diabetes, commit suicide when your toes and fingers go gangrenous
- Robert Downey Junior (The Pick-up Artist)
- Tom Hanks (You've got Mail)
- Ellen (anytime)
- Meg Ryan (City of Angels)
- Chris Noth (Sex in the City)
- Liv Ullman (Forty Carats)
- Goldie Hawn (Butterflies are Free)
- Susan Sarandon (The Hunger)
- Harrison Ford (Star Wars)
- Jennifer Aniston (Along Came Polly)
- Ben Stiller (Along Came Polly)
- Julia Roberts (My Best Friends Wedding)
- Hugh Grant (Four Weddings and a Funeral)
- Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain)
- Al Pacino (Bobby Deerfield)
- Ingrid Bergman (Indiscreet)
- Marilyn Monroe (How to marry a Milionnaire)
- Jodie Foster (The Little Girl who lives Down the Lane)
- Oliver Reed (Women in Love)
- Robert de Niro (Taxi Driver)
- James Dean (Rebel Without a Cause)
- Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control.
- Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people can't legally get married because the world needs more children.
- Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
- Straight marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears' 55-hour, just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
- Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are property, blacks can't marry whites, and divorce is illegal.
- Gay marriage should be decided by people not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of the minorities.
- Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours,
the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America. - Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
- Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behaviour. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
- Children can never succeed without a male and a female rolemodel at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.
- Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer lifespans.
- Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages for gays and lesbians will.