Maintained goals from before.
* separate my rubbish
* keep pollution generated by me to a minimum
* rescue stray animals and find their owners
* rescue broken winged creatures of all kinds
* maintain high quality love in my relationship
In the mood I am in 'survive' would be at the top of the list.
* write outlines for the next 40 scenes of my book
* think of a title for said book
* blog more, exercise my 'voice' once a week
* summarize one document a week
* read a book a month
* rebuild my friendships
* change my mind, consciously not maintain my status quo
* do 30 minutes of exercise per week
* lose 20 pounds
In a different universe, but maybe, just maybe, in mine.
* finish my book
* surf 24 hours per day
* write a video game story
* apply to Ubisoft for a job
* move to Canada to do the job
* build a room for myself where everything fits in and put a big fat gate on it
* make a vagina dentata/menstrual artwork that I am proud of
* go on another trip to Auschwitz
* go to Namibia
* separate my rubbish
* keep pollution generated by me to a minimum
* rescue stray animals and find their owners
* rescue broken winged creatures of all kinds
* maintain high quality love in my relationship
In the mood I am in 'survive' would be at the top of the list.
* write outlines for the next 40 scenes of my book
* think of a title for said book
* blog more, exercise my 'voice' once a week
* summarize one document a week
* read a book a month
* rebuild my friendships
* change my mind, consciously not maintain my status quo
* do 30 minutes of exercise per week
* lose 20 pounds
In a different universe, but maybe, just maybe, in mine.
* finish my book
* surf 24 hours per day
* write a video game story
* apply to Ubisoft for a job
* move to Canada to do the job
* build a room for myself where everything fits in and put a big fat gate on it
* make a vagina dentata/menstrual artwork that I am proud of
* go on another trip to Auschwitz
* go to Namibia